
UA741 IC

ISO CERTIFIED Integrated circuit

UA741 IC

The UA741 IC is a monolithic op-amp with high-performance, and it is designed on an only Si (Silicon) chip. This IC is used in a broad variety of analog applications. The operating voltage of broad range as well as high-gain provides better performances within the applications like integrators, general feedback, and summing amplifier applications. The inner recompense network ensures constancy within closed-loop circuits.

UA741 IC

Pin Configuration

The IC consists of 8-pins, and the function of each pin is discussed below.

UA741 IC Pin Configuration
UA741 IC Pin Configuration
  • Pin1 & Pin5 (Offset N1 & N2): These pins are used to set offset voltage if necessary
  • Pin2 (IN-): Inverting pin of the operational amplifier
  • Pin3 (IN+): Non-inverting pin of the Op-Amp
  • Pin4 (Vcc-): This pin is connected to ground otherwise negative rail
  • Pin6 (Output): Operational amplifier’s o/p pin
  • Pin7 (Vcc+): This pin is connected to a +ve rail of the voltage supply
  • Pin8 (NC): No connection
Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 0.1 × 0.1 × 0.1 cm


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